Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Friday 25 December 2009

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

As a group we agreed that the target audience would be Teenager from the ages of 13-17 years. We concluded that it may be watched more by females because these category or group are presumed to be more interested in romance. However, we have tried to make it to appeal to males by including characters such as Ricardo, who is more of a popular easy-going character as well as a lady’s man.

We felt that this film was more appropriate to this group because they would be more able to relate with the film considering that it is set in a school and it represents issues such as teenage romance which they may be dealing with so we felt that this group would be more able to identify with the film.

Our secondary audience would be age 12-19; I arrived at this conclusion after considering films such as Save the Last Dance (2001), Twilight (2008) and Love and Basketball (2000)... these are all films they may have watched in the cinema when it was out or on DVD. All of these films have 12A certificate, this means it suitable for 12 years and over. No-one younger than 12yrs may see a ‘12A’ film in a cinema, unless accompanied by an adult. This shows that even adults have been watching these films. Adults may wanted to watch the film in order to better their understanding on the experiences that teenagers go through whilst at school and the fact that it goes beyond just studying and going straight home. This may enable parents to be able to deal with issues such as sex education and guiding their children so that certain mistakes are avoided.

In the last six months, I feel that our target audience are most likely to have watched films such as Slum dog Millionaire and High school Musical 3 (2009) this because these films have a 12A certificate and 12A has currently got the highest rating at the box office. This means that young people our target audience... 12 and above, maybe even adults would be watching films like this.

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