Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Monday 28 December 2009

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

As a group we decided to follow some of conventions of Teenage Romance added more things that we thought would interest our audience. Teenage Romance is genre that is very popular with our target audience specially females as we found it to relate to them most. However we have also challenged some of the conventions by changing it slightly.

In the title sequence of our opening sequence we used soft calm colours and typography for the titles as it helps set the mood of the film and if choose dark bold colours it would not be appropriate for our genre as that is something that may be seen in the opening sequence of a horror or thriller film; by looking at other opening sequence of thing like Wild Child I noticed this as they used a soft purple and white for the typography which is represented is as royal and pure colour and connotates that it has something to do with someone rich and spoilt become pure. In our titles we used pink and creamy colour as it connotates love and relationship.

A fade was used in our establishing shots to help set the scene and sense of location for our audience and also to make it more interesting. This is similar to the opening sequence of High school Musical it used the fade to change into another place in their establishing shot and made more interesting to watch. Cutaways were so it was continuous and the audience understood that there were two characters. It was also used to keep the engaged and anxiously wondering when, where and what would happen when the two characters meet. This effect can be found it Step Up as they cut back and forth between the two dance group and leaving the audience anxiously waiting to see what happens, whether they are going to meet up.

A range of camera shots and angles were used to keep the attention of our audience. When Alison first saw Ricardo there was a close up of face blushing; at first the audience not aware that it was him until there was a POV shot of the camera, tilts up from his feet to his head.

We also identified that the typical Teenage Romance film, which each of us had watched in the past incorporated Funky/Rocky/Upbeat soundtacks such as in programmes such as in the Saved by the bell, which although it is a tv programme, still depicts what the target audience want. This is significant because Rock and roll
as associated as being for young people because it is LOUD, ENERGETIC and FORCEFUL.

We also tried to build interest by building the topic on issues and environment that the identified age group would be able to relate with because it was set in a school and it deals with issues such as teenage romance and high-school life, which are issues that people within the targeted age group would be able to relate with. This creates empathy and solidarity.

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