Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Friday 1 January 2010

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Through the process of constructing this film opening sequence I have learnt a lot about specific technologies. The camera we were using was the Through the process of constructing this film opening sequence I have learnt a lot about specific technologies. The camera we were using was the Canon XHA1 cam-recorder. In one of our lessons we learnt how to set up the camera as we would need to know how to do it on the day of filming; we learnt how to set the spirit level because if we did not set it when were filming our shots will not be steady. We had to check that the spirit level correct every time we moved the camera to another location. When first started we had a lesson on all the shot and angles so the developed our knowledge of this so when it came to AS, we had arrange of different shot and angles to use; one shot we used was a tilt up from Ricardo’s feet to his head, when we were doing a POV shot. We also learnt how to zoom and focus which we used when we were getting a close up of some face, for example there was shot of a close up of Alison’s face when she was love stuck.

During the filming process, we used sound equipment even though there was no sound and there was going to non-digetic sound (soundtrack) through the opening sequence. The sound equipment we were using was the Sennheiser K6 Microphone which we had to put in Rycote Windshield System so the microphone was protected as it very fragile and we would be going outside. I developed skill in setting up the sound equipment as had a lesson on it. I learnt that the equipment is delicate in the sense that it picks up the littlest sound.

Once we had finished the filming process, the next thing was editing. The editing computer program we used was Adobe Premiere Pro. We learnt how to capture, digitalise, assemble and add effects to the shot in some lessons we had in the beginning of the year and preliminary task. One of effects we used in our opening sequence was fade… which we used between our establishing shots so it made it look interesting as it changed into another location. We had to add title sequences to the opening sequence which we placed the typography on some of the actually shots as it looked most effective. We place a soundtrack on top of the whole film. Overall my skill in the programmes that we used throughout the project developed enormously; I learnt how to improve a lot of things and solve a lot of problems using these technologies.. In one of our lessons we learnt how to set up the camera as we would need to know how to do it on the day of filming; we learnt how to set the spirit level because if we did not set it when were filming our shots will not be steady. We had to check that the spirit level correct every time we moved the camera to another location. When first started we had a lesson on all the shot and angles so the developed our knowledge of this so when it came to AS, we had arrange of different shot and angles to use; one shot we used was a tilt up from Ricardo’s feet to his head, when we were doing a POV shot. We also learnt how to zoom and focus which we used when we were getting a close up of some face, for example there was shot of a close up of Alison’s face when she was love stuck.

During the filming process, we used sound equipment even though there was no sound and there was going to non-digetic sound (soundtrack) through the opening sequence. The sound equipment we were using was the Sennheiser K6 Microphone which we had to put in Rycote Windshield System so the microphone was protected as it very fragile and we would be going outside. I developed skill in setting up the sound equipment as had a lesson on it. I learnt that the equipment is delicate in the sense that it picks up the littlest sound.

Once we had finished the filming process, the next thing was editing. The editing computer program we used was Adobe Premiere Pro. We learnt how to capture, digitalise, assemble and add effects to the shot in some lessons we had in the beginning of the year and preliminary task. One of effects we used in our opening sequence was fade… which we used between our establishing shots so it made it look interesting as it changed into another location. We had to add title sequences to the opening sequence which we placed the typography on some of the actually shots as it looked most effective. We place a soundtrack on top of the whole film. Overall my skill in the programmes that we used throughout the project developed enormously; I learnt how to improve a lot of things and solve a lot of problems using these technologies.

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