Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Saturday 31 October 2009

Danish Fairytale


Thumbelina is a Danish fairytale; the story was adopted from a tradition story called ‘Tom Thumb’, both the tales begin with a childless woman consulting a supernatural being about getting a child. The moral of this story is follow your heart.

In the story Thumbelina it tells the story of an old woman who has been longing for a child so desperation she goes to a witch; she receives a magic barley seed which the witch tells her to go home and plant it in soil and keep watering it. Once planted the seed and kept watering it; a beautiful flower began to grow and from the flower emerged a tiny girl. The old woman was delighted and as the tiny girl was only up to her thumb, the old woman named her Thumbelina... just before Thumbelina was about to sleep the old woman decided to read Thumbelina a bedtime story, Thumbelina was overjoyed and asked to be read a story about small people, (people her size). After her mother finished reading the story Thumbelina requested for her mother (the old woman), to leave the book open because she wanted to fall asleep whilst looking at it so her mother did. Thumbelina stood up when her mother had left and began sing and dance about her going to marry the prince in the book one day.

Meanwhile it was autumn and fairies began the changing of colour of the leaves however the prince of the fairy wondered off and came across Thumbelina dancing and singing, he loved the way she sounded and thought she sang beautiful; he wanted to get a closer look of who she was so he sneaked through the window. When Thumbelina was not looking he cut part of the page and said “may I cut I”; Thumbelina screamed out of shock and hide the tea pot, the prince apologised and told her not to be scared, that she should come out, he would not hurt her and she did. She began saying “your one of them”, pointing at the picture in the book of the fairies, “I thought I was the only one my size in the world”. The prince and Thumbelina began getting to know each other and then the prince invited Thumbelina to from a ride in his bumble-bee; when they were flying they began singing and everyone admired them especially the toads. After they had finish the prince dropped her back to her house and told that he would like for her to meet his family and she agreed. He had to leave because he was holding his everyone up but before he left he exchanged his ring with her necklace so they would forget each other and told her he would be back for her in the morning.

Thumbelina is asleep in her walnut-shell cradle, happily thinking about the prince coming back the next day when the toad woman sneaked in her room through the window and carried off to her home because she wanted Thumbelina as a bride for her son. However with some help of friendly fish and a bird, Thumbelina escapes the toad and her son, and drifts on a lily pad until captured by a beetle who discards her when his friends reject her company. When the prince returned to her room the next morning, he found it in a state and saw Thumbelina’s mother crying; the prince asked the dog what had happened then he rushed out in search of Thumbelina. The toad had made up plan and captured the prince... they thought he was died as he was frozen. Thumbelina tried to protect herself from snow as it was becoming very cold because winter was approaching; she desperate so found shelter in an old shoe. She was finally given shelter by a field mouse and tends the mouse's house in return. The mouse suggests Thumbelina marry her neighbour, Mr mole as he was very rich and he would take care of her.

Some friendly animals found were the prince and made a fire and melted him then told him where Thumbelina. It was the wedding day Thumbelina was just about to marry the Mole when she had a change of heart; she remembered the promise her and the prince made and ran away. Everyone started running after her including the Toad’s son. The prince appeared and started fighting the toad and they both fell into a deep whole. Thumbelina began climbing and got out and went the bird who told her he knew where the prince’s him was; Thumbelina tried to tell him that the prince was died but he wouldn’t listen and just put her on his back took her to the place. When they got there she didn’t believe it and told him to take her home. The bird replied by telling her to sing and waits to see what happens. Soon later the prince appeared and started singing with her and fairy land came alive. The prince asked Thumbelina to marry him and says yes then she gets wings; they have big wedding with Thumbelina’s mother attends and they live happily ever after.

Friday 30 October 2009

Arabic fairytale

The Sultan’s third son

The story of the Sultan’s third son is an Arabic fairytale; the story portrays an almost "Rapunzel" story as there is a prince who saves a trapped princess. It tells the story of a power Sultan (king) who reign over the land for many years and had three wives but no son to take over. One a wise man advised him to give his wives a special fruit and so he did. Each of the wives was given the special fruit and in time the first and second wife both gave birth to a son. The third wife did not get pregnant so she was casted away from the castle to the forest.

A few days later the third wife became pregnant and gave birth to a son which she looked after. The son grew to be very smart, strong and brave. When the mother thought he was older enough, she told him about his father. The boy did not want to tell his father who he was because he thought it would be wise for him to prove his word. The third wife’s son joined his father’s army, soon he became popular and one of the king’s favourites.

One day the two princes went missing when they were hurting and the Sultan order a massive search for them. The third son was so brave and went out on his own to the forest in search for the princes, whilst he was looking he came across a beautiful young princess who was tied to the tree, crying; he asked her who she was and what she was doing in the forest. She explained who she was and advised him to go away before the giant founds him. However the third son was determine to defeat the monster and save everyone. When the giant returned the third son attacked him and after a long fight he killed the giant. The beautiful princess relieved, she told the third son about where the giant had kept all the people he had captured; she asked whether they could go and set everyone free so they made their way up to the secret place where giant had imprisoned the people, amongst the people who were imprisoned was the two princes.

The Sultan (prince) was very happy to see the prince and was really to repay the third son for his loyalty; when the third wife’s son revealed to the Sultan his indentify, that he was the son of the third wife that the Sultan banish for the land many years ago. The Sultan was delighted and told him to return his mother to the land as has her rightful place as the third wife. The third wife’s son then married the beautiful prince and lived happily ever after.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Vietnamese fairytale

The story of Tam and Cam

The story of tam and cam is a Vietnamese fairytale; the story portrays an almost "Cinderella" story about two sisters. It tells the story of a girl called Tam who mother died when she was at a young age and then her father remarried. Soon after the marriage the stepmother gave birth to a girl and called her Cam. Later on the father died and the stepmother began to abuse the take advantage of Tam by treating her like a slave. Whilst Cam lived lavished; the Stepmother's hatred for Tam was increased because of the fact that Tam was much more beautiful and fair than her own daughter Cam, even though Tam was forced to do all the work under the sun.

One day the stepmother sent Tam and Cam to fish, promising to reward the girl who caught the most fish with a new, red silk Ao yem (attire). Cam knew her mother would never punish her and so played carelessly while Tam worked hard fishing. When Cam noticed all the fish Tam had caught, Cam deceived Tam by telling her to wash the mud out of her hair or else she would be told off by mother. As Tam washed her hair, Cam poured all the fish Tam had caught into her own basket and ran home. When Tam had discovered had been tricked she cry on the Goddess of Mercy (fairy godmother); she appeared to Tam and comforted her. She told Tam to look into her basket as there was still one remaining little carp. The Goddess of Mercy told Tam to take the carp home and put it into the well at the back of the house, reciting a special poem/greeting whenever she came to feed it. Everyday Tam would go out to the well to feed the carp, always reciting the greeting beforehand so that the carp would come up from the water. The carp grew bigger everyday that Tam fed it, and stepmother began to suspect Tam's behaviour. One day, stepmother sneaked out to where Tam was feeding the fish. She waited until Tam was gone, and went over to the well, finding nothing. Stepmother repeated the greeting she had heard Tam reciting and the carp come up from the water. Stepmother caught and killed it to put in her rice porridge.

When Tam realised what her stepmother had done she started crying; then the Goddess of Mercy appeared to Tam and instructed her to recover the bones of the carp and bury them in four separate jars underneath each corner of her bed. A short while later the king hosted a large celebration. Tam begged to go along with Cam and stepmother; but stepmother mad plans in order to keep Tam at home. Stepmother mixed together countless black and green beans and ordered Tam to sort them out before she was allowed to go (in addition to this Tam did not have any decent clothes to attend the event anyway). Tam waited until Cam and stepmother had gone for a while and called out to the Goddess of Mercy, who appeared and turned the nearby flies into sparrows that sorted the beans for Tam. Tam was then told to dig up the four jars from the corners of her bed and she found treasures in each, including a beautiful silk dress, jewellery, golden slippers and even a horse! Tam dressed herself splendidly and made her way to the celebration but in her excitement she dropped a single slipper into the river.

The slipper flowed along the river until it was picked up by one of the king's attendants. The king looked at the beautiful slipper and announced that any maiden at the celebration whose foot fit the slipper would be made into his first wife. Every eligible lady at the celebration tried on the slipper including Cam however known fit the slipper. Suddenly a beautiful young girl (Tam) dressed in a magnificent silk gown appeared whose foot fit perfectly into the slipper (not to mention on her other foot was adorned the corresponding slipper of the same make). The stepmother and Cam were shocked when they find out the mysterious lady was Tam. Tam was instantly brought on the royal palanquin into the royally palace for a grand wedding celebration and stood right in front of her watching was stepmother and stepsister. It was Tam father’s death anniversary and she decides to make a short visit home to honour the anniversary with her family even though they were mean to her and treated her badly. The Stepmother asked Tam to climb the tree and gather its betel nuts for her late father's altar; Tam obeyed and as she climbed to the top of the tree not knowing that her stepmother had an evil plan; she took an axe and chopped the tree down and Tam fell to her death. Cam put on her sister's royal attire and entered the palace in her place. However Tam reincarnated into a nightingale and followed her sister into the palace. The king remained unhappy because he missed his late wife dearly, whilst Cam tried hard to please him.
Add ImageRemove formatting from selection One of palace maid hung out the king's dragon robe to the sun when the nightingale (tam) appeared to sing a song to remind the maid to be careful with her husband's gown. The bird's song addicted everyone who listened to it, and even drew the attention of the king. The king called out to the nightingale to land in the wide sleeves of his robe if it really was the spirit of his late wife. The nightingale did exactly as the king had asked and ever since then, it was put into a golden cage where the king spent most of his days as it sang songs to him. Cam became annoyed and went to her mother to ask for her opinion on what she should do. Her mother instructed her to catch the bird and eat it. Cam did as she was told and after skinning it, threw the feathers over the gate of the palace. From the feathers rose a tree bearing a single, magnificent fruit. A poor old woman who worked as a water vendor walked by one day and saw it, begging it to fall to her, and promising that she would not to eat it, only admire it. Indeed it fell to her, and she did not eat it. The next day, the old woman found that when she came home from her errands, the housework was done while she was gone and there was a hot meal waiting for her. The next day she pretended to leave but stayed back to spy, when she saw Tam emerge from the fruit and begin to do the household chores. The old woman emerged and tore up the peel so Tam could no longer turn back into the fruit.

One day the king lost while hunting stopped by the hut. The old woman offered him betel and when the king saw how the betel had been prepared in the peculiar special way his late queen had always prepared it; he inquired as to whom had prepared the betel. The old woman told him her daughter had done it, and the king made her produce the daughter and saw it was Tam. He was over the moon and he brought Tam back into the palace as the king's first wife. Cam was distressed and saw that Tam was as beautiful and pale as ever. She begged Tam to reveal her secret on how she was so beautiful and fair-skinned and that she would do anything to be as fair. Tam told her it was simple and that she would just have to jump into a basin of boiling water. Cam did and died a horrible death.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Japanese fairytale

Kachi Kachi Yama

kachi-kachi being an onomatopoeia of the sound a fire makes and Yama meaning "mountain", roughly translates to Fire-Crackle Mountain is a Japanese fairytale. The culture of this story is karma (what goes around, comes around).

It tells a story of a man and his wife who in their farming when a troublesome tanuki (beaver looking animal) goes into their basket and starts eating the fruit and vegetables the farmer had just plucked in his fields. Out of anger the farmer pounced on the tanuki capturing so they could kill and cook it later. That day the farmer left for town and his wife was left to cook the tanuki. The tanuki cried and begged the man's wife to set him free, promising never to bother the fields again. After much convincing, the wife set the animal free, only to have it turn on her and ran off. The farmer returned home to see his wife badly beaten, he carried to the bed and cleaned her up; the poor man in shock and horrible grief.

It just so happened that the unfortunate couple had been good friends with a rabbit that lived nearby. When the rabbit heard about what happened, he immediately came to the man and told him, "I'll avenge the pain of you and your wife for you!" So the rabbit set out and soon found the villainous tanuki. Pretending to befriend the tanuki, the rabbit did all sorts of unpleasant things to him: the rabbit persuaded the tanuki to help her left some wood that she needed then when she was walking behind set the wood on fire, burning the hair on the tanuki back off. The next the tanuki returned and was complaining about the burn on his back showing it to the rabbit pretended to simpifise with the tanuki, telling him she some that will treat; the rabbit put peppery poultice which strung the burn on the tanuki back.

After all the horrible things that the rabbit had put him through, the tanuki challenged the rabbit to a life or death contest to prove who the better creature was. They were each to build a boat, and race across a lake in them. The rabbit carved his boat out of a fallen tree trunk, but the foolish tanuki fashioned his out of mud. The two competitors each got off to a great start, but as they approached the middle of the lake, the tanuki's mud boat dissolved and came apart. As the tanuki was struggling to stay afloat, the rabbit proclaimed that he was a friend of the human couple, and that this was the tanuki’s punishment for his horrible deeds. His boat gone, the tanuki was left drowned. The rabbit returned to the family telling them all of what had happened.

Below are some links to Kachi-Kachi Yami... there are two parts to the clip!

Monday 26 October 2009

German fairytale

The frog Prince

The Frog King or Iron Heinrich (Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich) also known as ‘The frog prince’ is German fairy tale written by Brothers Grimm. The culture of the story is a popular phrase related to this story is, "You have kiss a lot of frogs before you can find a handsome prince." It is used to encourage women who have romance toubles.

It tells the story of handsome brave prince who got turn into a frog by a witch and a beautiful young princess who loves going out of the pond. One day the princess was playing with her golden ball by the pond and she heard a noise which startled her, making her dropped her golden ball. The prince was hiding in the grass thinking of what to say to her when her golden ball hit him; pushing him into the pond. The let prince let a hold of the ball as it was making him sink to the bottom of the pond and he began to float back up. The princess grabbed him in excitement thinking her golden ball had returned to her. When she realised it was a flog she throw it back into the water and began cursing out of annoyance. The prince began talking back to her, the princess got angry and stormed away. The princess returns asking the frog to get her golden ball back and she will grant him something. In exchange the princess would reluctantly befriend the prince.

After the prince had retrieve the princess golden ball and given it to her; she thanked him and hurried off back to the castle, breaking her promise because she believed that it was crazy. The frog prince hurried to the castle to find the princess as he had kept his promise, he was going to make her keep his promise but when he reached the castle he was not treated in a good manner. When the frog prince reached where the princess was he knocked on the door and the princess it; in shock she slammed the door on him and the frog prince keep knocking reminding her of her promise. The king asked princess who was at the door and she claimed “a frog”, everyone began laughing thinking that she was telling tales so the princess explained to her father about her promise she had carelessly made and not kept; to punish her father told her to let him in which she did. The frog prince came in and joined the feast, eating as much as he could whilst the princess sit in dismay.

Soon after the feast had finish the king told the frog he could stay in the castle and could sleep in the princess chambers. Started crying as she didn’t want to sleep with the frog so she began cursing him telling how much she despises him. The frog prince responded by telling her if she hate so much that the only thing left is for her to start liking him and she should kiss him. Out of reflex to what he had just said the princess throw the frog prince against the wall. When she had realised what she had done run to the frog prince to check if he was alright. She began feeling guilty, crying and apologising as she thought he was dead because he was not moving. The frog prince magically transformed into handsome young prince (human) and got up and touched her, in shock the princess jumped, asking the prince who were because she didn’t recognise him. The prince explained to her that she had broken the witch curse through the goodness of her heart and he was grateful.
Then the prince and princess lived happily ever after together.

Below are the links to the frog prince... there are five parts!

Sunday 25 October 2009

Short Independent opening sequences

6 Doors
This film is a 5mins short independent film that I find in YouTube. The narrative is about a girl how goes into this place called no way out; and only few have managed to get out. There ‘6 doors’: blue, red, orange, yellow, green and black; she goes through all the doors but no hope because she just ends up back where she started.

This film shows excellent ability as it is creative and high in production value, if I had to choose from 1 – 4 and 1 beginning the highest; I would surely give it a 1 because the creator of ‘6 Doors’ draws the attention of us the audience right from the beginning, through the use of different techniques. The creators leave our minds wondering what happened and what is going on, as it starts off with non-digetic sound of loud slow orchestral music and some funky red designs which then after one minute emerge into a girl’s face. We hear Digetic on sounds of her talking then it cuts back to the orchestral music and the different colour blocks start to fade in this into the black background which represents the different colours on the doors. This is creative as it causes tension... making us the audience’s hearts race as we begin wonder to what is going to happen. The contrasts of colours used instead of ordinary low-key lighting creates even more tension which also creates a strange atmosphere.

The creator set a narrative which tells us what the story is about and also gives us a sense of theme (atmosphere); the theme of the film tells the audience what type of film it is going to be. The way the creator has edited the film is almost as if he wants us, the audience to ask questions; the creator also create a sense of character, as we see the clips we (the audience think about what type of person the character is. (Their attitude))

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Two opening sequence

James Bond, Die Another Day

This film shows excellent ability as it is creative and high in production value, I had to choose from 1 – 4 and 1 beginning the highest; I would surely give it a 1 because the producers of ‘Die Another Day’ draws the attention of us the audience through the use of different techniques. The producers leave our minds wondering what happened and what is going on, as they show us some parts of the clip but also hide it at the same time with the three elements(wind, water and fire); this creates tension but however also makes us calm. The non-digetic sound contrasting with the name of the film and what is on the screen ties everything together and gives off the theme of the film.

The director set a narrative which tells us what the story is about and also gives us a sense of theme (atmosphere); the theme of the film tells the audience what type of film it is going to be. The way the director has edited the film is almost as if he wants us, the audience to ask questions; the director shows clips of some parts of what happened but then hides it. The director also create a sense of character, as we see the clips we (the audience think about what type of person the character is. (their attitude))

Halloween 2

This film shows proficient ability and if I had to choose from 1 – 4 and 1 beginning the highest; I would give it 2 or 3 being as I believe the title sequence could have been more creativity, beside that ‘Halloween 2’ opening sequence draws the audience attention as the low-key light and non-digetic sounds of loud orchestral music causes tension and fear; leading us the audience to know what type of genre it is but also waiting to know what happens next. (us, the audience start wondering) the change of up-beat of the soundtrack (non-digetic sound) causes more tension. The non-digetic sound contrasting with what is on the screen ties everything together and gives off the theme of the film.

The director set a narrative which tells us what the story is about and also gives us a sense of theme (atmosphere); the theme of the film tells the audience what type of film it is going to be. The way the director has edited the film is almost as if he wants us, the audience to ask questions; as the director sets the scene and the title begin to fade into a close-up shot of the house, the non-digest sound begins to change and become up-beat; this create a sense of location.

Opening Sequence

In order to create a good opening sequence or a good film you will have to use your creativity and technical skills together; there needs to be a balance between both of them. Creativity is personal it is in the imagination and there is no right or wrong aspect to this. On the other hand technical skills are how you use your creativity i.e. the camera shots/angles, lighting, sound and editing; I would not say there is a wrong way of doing this but there is a way of operating it.

The sound is a major part of creating a good sequence... the music sets the theme as it creates the mood; when you add non-digetic sound (soundtrack) contrasts with the storyline of the film draw the audience’s attention. Another thing that is very important is the editing; it links everything together to make it fit well and not disjointed. Most films open with an establishing shot then moves into mid shot and changes into a close-up shot; the opening sequence should give away the genre.
Harry Potter and the half blood prince

Harry Potter and the half blood prince, the movie’s opening sequence set the theme of the film; through the use of low-key lighting, non-digetic sound and typography used for the title sequence causes tension and mystery but however also give away to the audience, what type of genre it is. This shows high production values and also ties everything together.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Mini-Camera Work Evaluation

In this lesson we were assigned to group of people we had not worked in group with before; I was working with Sharon and Yasmin. Miss Bundy set us a task to create short sequence clip of someone walking without knowing someone had been watching them. We had to discuss what we wanted the short clip to be about then storyboard it. Sharon and I were the actresses whilst Yasmin was the camera-woman. Our storyline was about a girl (Sharon) was walking into a building site and she had been followed by another girl (Me). When the stalker (Me) actually caught up to the girl (Sharon); the girl was attacked; this short sequence clip took place outside media block.

Overall I think that the short sequence clip was very successful we did not waste much time because we made sure we did the pre-production properly; when we went out to film we knew what we were doing also for the fact that we learnt from our mistakes we made the first time we filmed; in addition to this Me and Sharon also helped out if we were not needed in the shot so this contributed to our time management. We finished the task on time.

One of the many objectives we had we focused on was the cutaways. In order to make the sequence work so it was continuous and it creates a story, we had to do cutaways. One example of cutaways we did was when Sharon was walking; we had to cutaway to the stalker (me) who was hiding behind one of the buildings watching Sharon for a distance as she was walking. Then we had to cut back to Sharon as she was walking further; this meant we had to cut back and forth so we could catch everything me and Sharon were doing because if we did not it would not be continuous. If it was not continuous the sequence would not sense. For example if we were to just video Sharon walking and just attacked her audience would be wondering were did I come from and the sequence would not match up.

Some of the problems and issues we faced were that cars kept going past so we had to keep on pausing which took some time. Also because I another group came to work outside we had to wait for them to finish what they were shooting before we continued.

Saturday 10 October 2009

Age of love

Some of the issues raised in the national and British audiences are that they needed to identify their selves to the overall issue of the story to be interested, most audiences needed to see the film as a big issue and because of this it was shown as a documentary in the beginning to help familiarize with the audiences. The media ownership and finance of ‘Age of Stupid’ which has been seen by 55 million people worldwide; which allows filmmakers to raise reasonable-size budgets whilst retaining ownership of their films and the "Indie Screenings" distribution system, which allows anyone to screen independent films; this means anyone can screen the film Age of stupid however the company must know who the people wanting to screen the film are and where they are planning to screen it... the person screening the film could show it to family and friends, whatever the outcome he or she can keep the profit which had been made or they can decide to put it towards their own climate campaign if they have one. It being an independent film meant that the technology which were used were digital cameras, filming, basic editing software that you get with the computer and etc. These technologies were able to help complete the film much quicker to be distributed globally. The producers at The Age of Stupid have done with limited means what corporations spend millions of dollars trying to do: create a worldwide cinematic event. Then it was exhibited onto theatres, cinemas and showed to a massive audience.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Preliminary Task (Evaluation)

In the preliminary task, I was partnered up with Iman but also assigned to another pair… Matthew and Noriane; this was done so that whilst we were filming they would be our cast and vice-versa. Iman and I managed the task through using some of the stages of Film Production. The first thing we did was the Pre-Production (The storyboard; Script; Shooting Schedule and Location Recce). In class on Friday we brought out our ideas in the open and wrote it up in our hardback-notepads. On the weekend we had phone conversation, discussing how we wanted to develop our ideas into a storyboard and script then began drawing it up; during these procurers we also decided on the Location Recce. The next day in class we looked over our Storyboard and Script with Miss Bundy, made changes on anything we missed out or thought would not work right; the next day Iman and I set-up the equipment and practiced so of our shot to see whether it would work out then came to a conclusion of who was going to be filming and who was going to directing to ensure that on the day we came to filming there would be no arguments of who was doing what. Iman and I organised our time by creating Shooting Schedule for all our shots. This to save time by doing all the shots, we needed to do in class we would do it all together and all the shots we needed to do outside it was done at the same time. This meant that we did not do the shots in the order but however was very useful because it helped us save a lot of time. Although we did waste a lot of time because we did not take our time and was rushing things so we could go home; we had to do quiet a few takes for each shot just to get it right so this caused us to waste time. Some of the problems me and Iman faced whilst doing this task was that we could not get some of the shot right so to deal with this we had do keep on doing the same shot until we got it right. Another issue that I personally think was I problem was because everyone was tired, we was not really taking the task serious but it was not to we buckle up and realise that the more we complain about being tired, the more time we waste. After taking action in this task I would say my strengths were to be able to use different angles and shots. For example one angle I used is a low-angle this was when I was panning across camera as the phone hit the wall; an example of a shot I used would be the point-of-view this was used when we were looking from Noriane’s view. I also followed the 180 degree rule, rule of thirds and action reaction. I used the action reaction when Matthew reacted to something Noriane said through a facial expression. Nevertheless although I had a fair amount of strengths, in addition I still had some weaknesses such as because I am still an armature with working with video camera I believe was not able capture some shots properly also I believe I did not having enough patients with the taking of the shots. If I were to do this task again I would make I take my time and not into things, also I would practice the shots with the camera before I record it so I do not waste time and keep on having to do too many takes on the same shot.

I did a number of things to help me plan. The one of the things I did was Equipment learning. In class Miss Bundy showed us how to set it up then we went off and practiced by ourselves; we learnt how to set up the tripod and make sure spirit level was correct. Another thing I did was Pre-production, this process was useful because I storyboarded and made a script of what Iman and I wanted the film to be about; we also decide on Location and made Shooting Schedule for all our shots. This to save time by doing all the shots, we needed to do in class we would do it all together and all the shots we needed to do outside it was done at the same time.

The technology I used to complete this task was a digital cam-recorder called the Canon XH; before I started using this camera I had a lesson in class on how to work it. I had to set up the tripod to shoulder length, making sure it is secure then put the camera on it and locking it into place; I also made sure the spirit level was in the centre; when I had done this I had put the battery in, open up the part where the cassette goes then waited for the electrical mechanism to come up and open the slot for the cassette then I put the cassette inside and closed it up; I switched on the camera and changed it to auto-focus and when I was ready clicked record and started recording; if it was needed for me to do I low angle shot or high angle I would change the height of the tripod. After I got taught how to use the camera Miss Nair set the class homework and I had to research about the camera (Canon XH) so also helped prepare me for the task.

The factors I had to take into account when planning is what type of shot I was going to use, what props we were going to use, the location and the type of theme I would be using for my film; and when I was shooting I had to think about how I was going to take my shot and how I was going to manage the time given.

By completing this task I learnt that time management is one of the key elements when recording; I spent majority of my time retaking most of the shots I took because we could not get the right and instead of us to practice the shots before recording, we rushed so this consumed a lot of time; whilst trying to manage time also learnt that group work has it’s importance’s, when doing a task like this, because if you do not work together that is when things start going badly wrong and you end up wasting time; also you need to be organised if everyone is busy doing something except from one person you, the other person could be setting up the next shot, all of these things come under time management so it all how wisely you use your time.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Independent Film Making

Independent film... in other words indie film, is a film that is produced outside of any major film studio. Independent films and video movies are now a part of our everyday life. No one understood the power of indie films better then Google who now runs the largest indie film site on the World Wide Web, "" now features millions of independent films or videos, if you want to call them that, to the world for free. Anyone with a PC video cam can produce their own independent film and up load it to the world in seconds for free.

The first thing you do write a script. Find yourself a computer and open up a Word document then start typing a script. At the least, you need to block out your independent film into scenes and get a rough guide to the shots you need for each scene. Getting the dialogue down would be nice.

Secondly you would need to set a budget. Post-production takes a lot of your time and money. Actors are also high on the list of budget concerns or just use people you know.

Thirdly audition your actors; give them you script and sit down with them one-on-one and in small groups and find the best talent that your budget can afford.

In addition to this you would have to search for a location lecce. Look for good camera angles, nice backgrounds and cheap access. Get permission from property owners before filming and then storyboard the your script if you you find it easier.

After this you would have to plan your shooting schedule. Interior and exterior shots, close-ups and reaction shots can be organized to make the most efficient use of your time. If you have a crew, note who you need on a given shot, and who can be working on the next shot.

Next shoot the film. Remember to sleep now and then. Eat well. Thank the crew and cast profusely.

Finally you will have take into post-production. This is where most movies come to life. Cut and trim all the bad stuff, and polish the good parts until they shine.