Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Mini-Camera Work Evaluation

In this lesson we were assigned to group of people we had not worked in group with before; I was working with Sharon and Yasmin. Miss Bundy set us a task to create short sequence clip of someone walking without knowing someone had been watching them. We had to discuss what we wanted the short clip to be about then storyboard it. Sharon and I were the actresses whilst Yasmin was the camera-woman. Our storyline was about a girl (Sharon) was walking into a building site and she had been followed by another girl (Me). When the stalker (Me) actually caught up to the girl (Sharon); the girl was attacked; this short sequence clip took place outside media block.

Overall I think that the short sequence clip was very successful we did not waste much time because we made sure we did the pre-production properly; when we went out to film we knew what we were doing also for the fact that we learnt from our mistakes we made the first time we filmed; in addition to this Me and Sharon also helped out if we were not needed in the shot so this contributed to our time management. We finished the task on time.

One of the many objectives we had we focused on was the cutaways. In order to make the sequence work so it was continuous and it creates a story, we had to do cutaways. One example of cutaways we did was when Sharon was walking; we had to cutaway to the stalker (me) who was hiding behind one of the buildings watching Sharon for a distance as she was walking. Then we had to cut back to Sharon as she was walking further; this meant we had to cut back and forth so we could catch everything me and Sharon were doing because if we did not it would not be continuous. If it was not continuous the sequence would not sense. For example if we were to just video Sharon walking and just attacked her audience would be wondering were did I come from and the sequence would not match up.

Some of the problems and issues we faced were that cars kept going past so we had to keep on pausing which took some time. Also because I another group came to work outside we had to wait for them to finish what they were shooting before we continued.

1 comment:

  1. Esther you have described the task set instead of evaluating. In order to write a better structure use point, example, explain in your evaluations, identifying key areas within the task. Always begin your evaluation with a personal objective - something you want to develop using either your technical or creative skills for practical projects.
