Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Opening Sequence

In order to create a good opening sequence or a good film you will have to use your creativity and technical skills together; there needs to be a balance between both of them. Creativity is personal it is in the imagination and there is no right or wrong aspect to this. On the other hand technical skills are how you use your creativity i.e. the camera shots/angles, lighting, sound and editing; I would not say there is a wrong way of doing this but there is a way of operating it.

The sound is a major part of creating a good sequence... the music sets the theme as it creates the mood; when you add non-digetic sound (soundtrack) contrasts with the storyline of the film draw the audience’s attention. Another thing that is very important is the editing; it links everything together to make it fit well and not disjointed. Most films open with an establishing shot then moves into mid shot and changes into a close-up shot; the opening sequence should give away the genre.
Harry Potter and the half blood prince

Harry Potter and the half blood prince, the movie’s opening sequence set the theme of the film; through the use of low-key lighting, non-digetic sound and typography used for the title sequence causes tension and mystery but however also give away to the audience, what type of genre it is. This shows high production values and also ties everything together.

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