Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Monday 26 October 2009

German fairytale

The frog Prince

The Frog King or Iron Heinrich (Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich) also known as ‘The frog prince’ is German fairy tale written by Brothers Grimm. The culture of the story is a popular phrase related to this story is, "You have kiss a lot of frogs before you can find a handsome prince." It is used to encourage women who have romance toubles.

It tells the story of handsome brave prince who got turn into a frog by a witch and a beautiful young princess who loves going out of the pond. One day the princess was playing with her golden ball by the pond and she heard a noise which startled her, making her dropped her golden ball. The prince was hiding in the grass thinking of what to say to her when her golden ball hit him; pushing him into the pond. The let prince let a hold of the ball as it was making him sink to the bottom of the pond and he began to float back up. The princess grabbed him in excitement thinking her golden ball had returned to her. When she realised it was a flog she throw it back into the water and began cursing out of annoyance. The prince began talking back to her, the princess got angry and stormed away. The princess returns asking the frog to get her golden ball back and she will grant him something. In exchange the princess would reluctantly befriend the prince.

After the prince had retrieve the princess golden ball and given it to her; she thanked him and hurried off back to the castle, breaking her promise because she believed that it was crazy. The frog prince hurried to the castle to find the princess as he had kept his promise, he was going to make her keep his promise but when he reached the castle he was not treated in a good manner. When the frog prince reached where the princess was he knocked on the door and the princess it; in shock she slammed the door on him and the frog prince keep knocking reminding her of her promise. The king asked princess who was at the door and she claimed “a frog”, everyone began laughing thinking that she was telling tales so the princess explained to her father about her promise she had carelessly made and not kept; to punish her father told her to let him in which she did. The frog prince came in and joined the feast, eating as much as he could whilst the princess sit in dismay.

Soon after the feast had finish the king told the frog he could stay in the castle and could sleep in the princess chambers. Started crying as she didn’t want to sleep with the frog so she began cursing him telling how much she despises him. The frog prince responded by telling her if she hate so much that the only thing left is for her to start liking him and she should kiss him. Out of reflex to what he had just said the princess throw the frog prince against the wall. When she had realised what she had done run to the frog prince to check if he was alright. She began feeling guilty, crying and apologising as she thought he was dead because he was not moving. The frog prince magically transformed into handsome young prince (human) and got up and touched her, in shock the princess jumped, asking the prince who were because she didn’t recognise him. The prince explained to her that she had broken the witch curse through the goodness of her heart and he was grateful.
Then the prince and princess lived happily ever after together.

Below are the links to the frog prince... there are five parts!

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