Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Saturday 10 October 2009

Age of love

Some of the issues raised in the national and British audiences are that they needed to identify their selves to the overall issue of the story to be interested, most audiences needed to see the film as a big issue and because of this it was shown as a documentary in the beginning to help familiarize with the audiences. The media ownership and finance of ‘Age of Stupid’ which has been seen by 55 million people worldwide; which allows filmmakers to raise reasonable-size budgets whilst retaining ownership of their films and the "Indie Screenings" distribution system, which allows anyone to screen independent films; this means anyone can screen the film Age of stupid however the company must know who the people wanting to screen the film are and where they are planning to screen it... the person screening the film could show it to family and friends, whatever the outcome he or she can keep the profit which had been made or they can decide to put it towards their own climate campaign if they have one. It being an independent film meant that the technology which were used were digital cameras, filming, basic editing software that you get with the computer and etc. These technologies were able to help complete the film much quicker to be distributed globally. The producers at The Age of Stupid have done with limited means what corporations spend millions of dollars trying to do: create a worldwide cinematic event. Then it was exhibited onto theatres, cinemas and showed to a massive audience.

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