Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Thursday 8 October 2009

Preliminary Task (Evaluation)

In the preliminary task, I was partnered up with Iman but also assigned to another pair… Matthew and Noriane; this was done so that whilst we were filming they would be our cast and vice-versa. Iman and I managed the task through using some of the stages of Film Production. The first thing we did was the Pre-Production (The storyboard; Script; Shooting Schedule and Location Recce). In class on Friday we brought out our ideas in the open and wrote it up in our hardback-notepads. On the weekend we had phone conversation, discussing how we wanted to develop our ideas into a storyboard and script then began drawing it up; during these procurers we also decided on the Location Recce. The next day in class we looked over our Storyboard and Script with Miss Bundy, made changes on anything we missed out or thought would not work right; the next day Iman and I set-up the equipment and practiced so of our shot to see whether it would work out then came to a conclusion of who was going to be filming and who was going to directing to ensure that on the day we came to filming there would be no arguments of who was doing what. Iman and I organised our time by creating Shooting Schedule for all our shots. This to save time by doing all the shots, we needed to do in class we would do it all together and all the shots we needed to do outside it was done at the same time. This meant that we did not do the shots in the order but however was very useful because it helped us save a lot of time. Although we did waste a lot of time because we did not take our time and was rushing things so we could go home; we had to do quiet a few takes for each shot just to get it right so this caused us to waste time. Some of the problems me and Iman faced whilst doing this task was that we could not get some of the shot right so to deal with this we had do keep on doing the same shot until we got it right. Another issue that I personally think was I problem was because everyone was tired, we was not really taking the task serious but it was not to we buckle up and realise that the more we complain about being tired, the more time we waste. After taking action in this task I would say my strengths were to be able to use different angles and shots. For example one angle I used is a low-angle this was when I was panning across camera as the phone hit the wall; an example of a shot I used would be the point-of-view this was used when we were looking from Noriane’s view. I also followed the 180 degree rule, rule of thirds and action reaction. I used the action reaction when Matthew reacted to something Noriane said through a facial expression. Nevertheless although I had a fair amount of strengths, in addition I still had some weaknesses such as because I am still an armature with working with video camera I believe was not able capture some shots properly also I believe I did not having enough patients with the taking of the shots. If I were to do this task again I would make I take my time and not into things, also I would practice the shots with the camera before I record it so I do not waste time and keep on having to do too many takes on the same shot.

I did a number of things to help me plan. The one of the things I did was Equipment learning. In class Miss Bundy showed us how to set it up then we went off and practiced by ourselves; we learnt how to set up the tripod and make sure spirit level was correct. Another thing I did was Pre-production, this process was useful because I storyboarded and made a script of what Iman and I wanted the film to be about; we also decide on Location and made Shooting Schedule for all our shots. This to save time by doing all the shots, we needed to do in class we would do it all together and all the shots we needed to do outside it was done at the same time.

The technology I used to complete this task was a digital cam-recorder called the Canon XH; before I started using this camera I had a lesson in class on how to work it. I had to set up the tripod to shoulder length, making sure it is secure then put the camera on it and locking it into place; I also made sure the spirit level was in the centre; when I had done this I had put the battery in, open up the part where the cassette goes then waited for the electrical mechanism to come up and open the slot for the cassette then I put the cassette inside and closed it up; I switched on the camera and changed it to auto-focus and when I was ready clicked record and started recording; if it was needed for me to do I low angle shot or high angle I would change the height of the tripod. After I got taught how to use the camera Miss Nair set the class homework and I had to research about the camera (Canon XH) so also helped prepare me for the task.

The factors I had to take into account when planning is what type of shot I was going to use, what props we were going to use, the location and the type of theme I would be using for my film; and when I was shooting I had to think about how I was going to take my shot and how I was going to manage the time given.

By completing this task I learnt that time management is one of the key elements when recording; I spent majority of my time retaking most of the shots I took because we could not get the right and instead of us to practice the shots before recording, we rushed so this consumed a lot of time; whilst trying to manage time also learnt that group work has it’s importance’s, when doing a task like this, because if you do not work together that is when things start going badly wrong and you end up wasting time; also you need to be organised if everyone is busy doing something except from one person you, the other person could be setting up the next shot, all of these things come under time management so it all how wisely you use your time.

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