Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Two opening sequence

James Bond, Die Another Day

This film shows excellent ability as it is creative and high in production value, I had to choose from 1 – 4 and 1 beginning the highest; I would surely give it a 1 because the producers of ‘Die Another Day’ draws the attention of us the audience through the use of different techniques. The producers leave our minds wondering what happened and what is going on, as they show us some parts of the clip but also hide it at the same time with the three elements(wind, water and fire); this creates tension but however also makes us calm. The non-digetic sound contrasting with the name of the film and what is on the screen ties everything together and gives off the theme of the film.

The director set a narrative which tells us what the story is about and also gives us a sense of theme (atmosphere); the theme of the film tells the audience what type of film it is going to be. The way the director has edited the film is almost as if he wants us, the audience to ask questions; the director shows clips of some parts of what happened but then hides it. The director also create a sense of character, as we see the clips we (the audience think about what type of person the character is. (their attitude))

Halloween 2

This film shows proficient ability and if I had to choose from 1 – 4 and 1 beginning the highest; I would give it 2 or 3 being as I believe the title sequence could have been more creativity, beside that ‘Halloween 2’ opening sequence draws the audience attention as the low-key light and non-digetic sounds of loud orchestral music causes tension and fear; leading us the audience to know what type of genre it is but also waiting to know what happens next. (us, the audience start wondering) the change of up-beat of the soundtrack (non-digetic sound) causes more tension. The non-digetic sound contrasting with what is on the screen ties everything together and gives off the theme of the film.

The director set a narrative which tells us what the story is about and also gives us a sense of theme (atmosphere); the theme of the film tells the audience what type of film it is going to be. The way the director has edited the film is almost as if he wants us, the audience to ask questions; as the director sets the scene and the title begin to fade into a close-up shot of the house, the non-digest sound begins to change and become up-beat; this create a sense of location.


  1. Esther,
    Some useful commens here about the openings of major films. I would suggest you also look at the opening of short and independent films. Try the BBC or Channel 4 sites - see my previous blogs for the links to these. Comment more about the specific clues you are being given (like we did with Volver in class.)

  2. Miss Nair I have now looked at a short independent opening seqence i found on youtube that i think is good; would you please look at what i have done and tell me what you think please.
