Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Sunday 25 October 2009

Short Independent opening sequences

6 Doors
This film is a 5mins short independent film that I find in YouTube. The narrative is about a girl how goes into this place called no way out; and only few have managed to get out. There ‘6 doors’: blue, red, orange, yellow, green and black; she goes through all the doors but no hope because she just ends up back where she started.

This film shows excellent ability as it is creative and high in production value, if I had to choose from 1 – 4 and 1 beginning the highest; I would surely give it a 1 because the creator of ‘6 Doors’ draws the attention of us the audience right from the beginning, through the use of different techniques. The creators leave our minds wondering what happened and what is going on, as it starts off with non-digetic sound of loud slow orchestral music and some funky red designs which then after one minute emerge into a girl’s face. We hear Digetic on sounds of her talking then it cuts back to the orchestral music and the different colour blocks start to fade in this into the black background which represents the different colours on the doors. This is creative as it causes tension... making us the audience’s hearts race as we begin wonder to what is going to happen. The contrasts of colours used instead of ordinary low-key lighting creates even more tension which also creates a strange atmosphere.

The creator set a narrative which tells us what the story is about and also gives us a sense of theme (atmosphere); the theme of the film tells the audience what type of film it is going to be. The way the creator has edited the film is almost as if he wants us, the audience to ask questions; the creator also create a sense of character, as we see the clips we (the audience think about what type of person the character is. (Their attitude))

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