Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Friday 30 October 2009

Arabic fairytale

The Sultan’s third son

The story of the Sultan’s third son is an Arabic fairytale; the story portrays an almost "Rapunzel" story as there is a prince who saves a trapped princess. It tells the story of a power Sultan (king) who reign over the land for many years and had three wives but no son to take over. One a wise man advised him to give his wives a special fruit and so he did. Each of the wives was given the special fruit and in time the first and second wife both gave birth to a son. The third wife did not get pregnant so she was casted away from the castle to the forest.

A few days later the third wife became pregnant and gave birth to a son which she looked after. The son grew to be very smart, strong and brave. When the mother thought he was older enough, she told him about his father. The boy did not want to tell his father who he was because he thought it would be wise for him to prove his word. The third wife’s son joined his father’s army, soon he became popular and one of the king’s favourites.

One day the two princes went missing when they were hurting and the Sultan order a massive search for them. The third son was so brave and went out on his own to the forest in search for the princes, whilst he was looking he came across a beautiful young princess who was tied to the tree, crying; he asked her who she was and what she was doing in the forest. She explained who she was and advised him to go away before the giant founds him. However the third son was determine to defeat the monster and save everyone. When the giant returned the third son attacked him and after a long fight he killed the giant. The beautiful princess relieved, she told the third son about where the giant had kept all the people he had captured; she asked whether they could go and set everyone free so they made their way up to the secret place where giant had imprisoned the people, amongst the people who were imprisoned was the two princes.

The Sultan (prince) was very happy to see the prince and was really to repay the third son for his loyalty; when the third wife’s son revealed to the Sultan his indentify, that he was the son of the third wife that the Sultan banish for the land many years ago. The Sultan was delighted and told him to return his mother to the land as has her rightful place as the third wife. The third wife’s son then married the beautiful prince and lived happily ever after.

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