Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Sunday 29 November 2009

Opening sequence and script FINALISED

The opening sequence starts off with numerous exterior shots of Barking Abbey Leisure centre, we then have a longshot of Ricardo walking into the leisure centre, we have numberous shots of Ricardo approaching the stairs, meanwhile Alison is in the dance studio collecting her things getting ready to leave (we will have numerous cutaways to show this), as Ricardo approches the top of the stairs towards the changing room Alison opens the dance studio door and sees Ricardo for the first time she is instantly love stuck. We then dissolve to the titles.

Ext. The camera pans the outside of Barking Abbey Leisure Centre

Ext. The camera pans around the outside of Barking Abbey Leisure centre

RICARDO walks to the leisure centre entrace walks through the leisure centre


(Walks up stairs)

(Collects things getting ready to leve the dance studio)

(Continues to walk up stairs)

(Fixes hair in mirror)

(Reaches the top of the stairs and walks towards the changing rooms)

(Walks towards the door opens it and sees RICARDO she looks at him lovestruck from the feet upwards)

Dissolves to title sequence

Friday 27 November 2009

Feedback on pitch (Love & Pain)

Feedback from class:
  • Really went with the genre (teenage romance)
  • The murder part was random
  • It was good but confusing because how can ‘he really like her but he went after getting bullied
  • There was no character motivation
  • Every confusing, ‘how did they break up twice’
  • People make mistakes all the time in teenage romance but nothing extreme happens
  • It needs to be more light.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Call Sheet (click to enlarge)

Cast List

Props & Costume list

  • Basketball
  • Comb
  • Stereo
  • Cd
  • Duffle bag


  • Black leggings
  • T-shirt (black)
  • Black Ballet shoes


  • Basketball kit
  • Basketball trainers

Friday 20 November 2009

Character profile (Ricardo)

RICARDO EVANS (a typical jock who loves basketball)

  • Age: 16
  • Male
  • Health: Very fit and physically strong
  • Personality: Funny, open person
  • Zodiac: Cancer
  • Ethnic Background: British
  • Nickname: Tricky Ricky
  • Occupation: Basketball student
  • Dream occupation: NBA player
  • Religion: None
  • Hometown: Dagenham
  • Sparetime: Play basketball, rap, play online & go cinema
  • Hobbies: Mainly basketball, Athletics & football
  • Likes: Girls, money, fame & attention
  • Dislikes: Homework, Academical subjects.

What would Ricardo prefer;

  • Month: June
  • Day of the week: Friday
  • Time of day: Afternoon
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Sea animal: Shark
  • Direction: North
  • Liquid: Blood
  • Brid: Eagle
  • Dog: Pit ball terrior
  • Season:Summer
  • Colour: Red
  • Emotion: Fear
  • Sound: Laughther
  • Element: Fire
  • Car: BMW
  • Food: Chinese
  • Book: Michael Jordan biograpghy
  • Metal: Gold
  • Word: Unstoppable
  • Memories: First girlfriend, basketball trophies, 1st kiss, best friends
  • Fears: Dark, Deep water

Character profile (Alison)

ALISON STANFIELD ( an introvertive charecter who loves to dance)

  • Age: 16
  • Female
  • Health: Alison is a fit and healthy person
  • Personality: Shy & quiet
  • Zodiac: Cancer
  • Ethnic background: English
  • Nickmame: Al
  • Occupation: Student
  • Dream occupation : Dancer
  • Religion: Christain
  • Hometown: Barking
  • Sparetime hobbies: Listens to music,Dance, sing & go out
  • Pays for dance lessons outside school(6th form)
  • Likes: Reading, dancing, going to school & sports
  • Dislikes: PE teacher, loud people & dettention

What would Alison prefer;

  • Month: April
  • Day of the week: Saturday
  • Time of day: Morning
  • Planet: Venus
  • Sea animal: Dolphin
  • Direction: South
  • Liquid: Water
  • Bird: Blue tit
  • Dog: Alsation
  • Season: Spring
  • Colour: Blue
  • Emotion: Love
  • Sound: Laughter
  • Element: Air/Wind
  • Car: Mini cooper
  • Food: The occasional big mac
  • Book: Christman carol
  • Metal: Silver
  • Word: Creative
  • Memories: 10th birthday, 1st day of secondary school, 1st kiss, 1st crush, 1st dance shoes
  • Fears: Rats, spiders, snakes & horror films
  • She has had unpleasent encounters with her fears and cannot watch scary films

Re-draft script of opening sequence

Ext. The camera pans the outside of Barking Abbey Leisure Centre

Int. The camera pans inside the leisure centre
(we have camera shots of extras inside the leisure centre) & across the basketball court.
RICARDO looking happy dribbles the basketball and takes a few jump shots

Int. Camera shots of the leisure centre with extras

Int. Dance studio
ALISON picks up dance shoes and stereo and CD
RICARDO picks up duffle bag and walks towards the sports hall door and holds the handle

Int. Dance studio
Alison walks towards the door and opens it and walks through into the corridor doing star-jumps and high-kicks etc

Int. Stairs leading to hallway
RICARDO walks up the stairs and sees Alison dancing
ALISON (looking embarrassed) opens locker and puts stereo and CD inside and shuts locker door

RICARDO opens locker door and puts ball inside
ALISON (looking lovestruck) walks away past RICARDO's locker

RICARDO shuts locker door

Storyboard Redrafted

Thursday 19 November 2009

opening sequence

After hearing the feedback that we heard in class ( Located in the comment box underneath the previous opening sequence ) we adapted our opening sequence to improve it.

The opening sequence starts off with and ext. shots of Barking Abbey School (Leisure Centre) it then dissolves to a panning of inside the leisure centre , which then pans across the basketball court,where we have a longshot of Ricardo dribbling a basketball .The camera continues to pan through the leisure centre into the dance studio where we have a longshot of Alison gathering her dance things together after a session alone, she will pick up a CD and on that CD we will have a credit eg.editor. There is no dialogue just a sound track playing. We cutaway to Ricardo putting his duffle bag over his shoulder this will be a meduim long shot and on his duffle bag a credit will appear e.g directors name. The camera will follow Ricardo and as he opens the sports hall door we have a cutaway shot of Alison opening the door to the dance studio and walking out into the hall way going over her dance steps. We then cut back to Ricardo as he is walking through the hallway we have and over the shoulder shot of him seeing Alison. The over the shoulder shot will capture Alison turining around to see Ricardo behind her. We then cutaway to a close up of Alisons face looking embarrased. We will then have the camera inside the locker so as Alison opens her locker door we see her face, as she puts her things inside her locker it will eventually block the view of the camera. We then cutaway back to the over the shoulder shot of Ricardo and as he opens his locker, the camera will cutaway to a view from inside his locker where we will see Alison walking past with a lovestuck expression on her face. As he puts his belonging in his locker it will eventually block the view of the camera again and as he slams his locker door shut the title of the film will appear.

Location reece - The location will not be changed it will still be based in Barking Abbey Leisure centre.

Soundtrack - The soundtrack still needs to be decided by we have discussed that it will be soft gentle and mellow theme to it.

Font for opening titles - Italic and possibly pink or baby blue.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

First draft of script (opening sequence)

Ext. The camera pans outside the leisure centre, then inside the liesiure centre, basketball court, dance studio then hallway leading to the clasroom.

Int. Leisure centre (classroom)

ALISON sits looking bored in detention, her right hand against her face elbow rested on the table, gradually looking up at the clook, day dreaming and tapping her right foot to the rythme of the clock.

The bell rings

ALISON jumps out of her chair in excitment and starts running out the door into the corridor.

RICARDO and his friends (2 people) are walking through the corridor talking and making jokes from the opposite direction of Alison.

ALISON and RICARDO bump into each other, ALISON drops her books and RICARDO drops his basketball.

(Flustered, her head is down)
Sorry, Sorry oh my God, im so sorry!

Its ok, dont worry.
ALISON speechless when she looks up and realises it's RICARDO

(Grabbing RICARDOS arm)
Hurry up lets go!

(RICARDO picks up her books and gives it to ALISON,forgetting to pick up his ball.)
Heres your stuff.

RICARDO walks off to catch up with his friends.
ALISON (looking lovestuck after ) kicks Ricardos ball.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Sound checklist


1. Screw the two parts of the shot-gun microphone together
2. Attach the shot gun microphone to the modular windshield holder
3. Connect the XLR Lead to the microphone
4. Slide the modular windshield holder into the other part of the modular windshield
5. Then tighten the screws
6. Make sure the other part of the XLR Lead is in space
7. Then close the modular windshield with the head of it
8. Get microphone boom pole and extend to desired height and secure
9. Screw the boom pole to the windshield
10. Attach the XLR Lead that one side goes into the camera to the microphone part
11. Put on the hairy harry if its necessary.

Feedback on my fairytale LeaVah

Feedback from about my adopted fairytale:
The theme unity are very clear as the class said that they could see that it was love and jealousy… they went on to say that the fairytale starts off well as you can picture what happens in your head; the middle is clear but the plot point needs to be more dramatic. (“The bad parts are the most important so they should portray stronger ending”) Overall the characters were developed well and it was good.

Monday 16 November 2009

Camera checklist

Canon XH1

1. Set up tripod to shoulder height
2. Place camera on tripod and secure it
3. Put the battery/ power supply in camera
4. Make sure the spirit level is correct (the bubble is in the middle)
5. Switch on the camera
6. Open the tape compartment
7. Wait for the electrical mechanism to open
8. Then insert the tape and close it
9. Open the viewfinder
10. Change the settings on the setting to Auto
11. Rewind the tape
12. Click on record (click it again to stop)
13. When finished turn setting to VCR PLAY
14. Watch back what you recorded

Sunday 15 November 2009

The Opening Sequence

The opening sequence starts off with an Ext. shot of the camera panning around Barking Abbey School (Leisure Centre), it then dissolves to a panning of inside the leisure centre, which then transforms into the camera panning across the basketball court; the dance studio then the hallway leading to the classroom. The use of establishing shots sets the scene of the film. (All the establishing shots leading up until the classroom will be in black and white). We then have a medium close up of Alison sitting in the classroom bored looking up at the clock which leads to the close up of the clock. Then music then fades out until you can just hear the clock ticking. We then cutaway to a close up of Alison's feet tapping to the beat of the clock. After a few minutes the bell goes and then the shots are in colour (we chose for this scene to be in colour at this point to emphasise Alison coming alive after being bored in school for so many hours).

We have a long shot focusing on Alison's excitement leaving the classroom, then we have another long shot from a diagonal side view of Alison as she rushes through the corridor and Ricardo with his basketball team on the other side. They both bump into each other, there is a medium shot of Ricardo helping Alison pick up her stuff. Ricardo's friends puts his hand Ricardo's shoulder, hurrying him up and reminding him that they have to be somewhere; Ricardo forgets his ball. Alison sees while she is walking and kicks it, out of frustration that Ricardo did not pay much attention to her. The camera follows the ball which then reveals the title sequence of the film as it rolls.

Diary of Production - Meeting

Edward and Sharon were my partners... we had to meet up and have a production meeting so we thought I would be best for us to meet up somewhere easy and on a Sunday it was most convenient for all of us; so we meet up at my house. Sharon and Edward both met up before they came to house so they arrived at the time... this was quarter past twelve. Our first objective was to watch more teenage romance based films to inspire us with ideas, we watched the opening sequence of 'Love dont cost a thing',Step up, 'High school musical 1, 2 and 3' and films such as 'Honey' and also 'Never been kissed'.

After watching all these films we came to the conclusion that basing our opening sequence on the opening of High School Musical 2 will be a good idea. We liked the way the estbalishing shots were precise and set the scene clearly and we felt we could incorporate this into our opening sequence we also like the way they started the scenes in the classroom with the characters, bored waiting for time to go pass and that we could base our story around this opening.

In addition to this we dicussed and brainstormed different ideas such as locaton reece, music and opening sequence. We also came up with the idea of doing auditions for characters in our opening sequence. Overall I believe the production meeting we had was a very sucessful meeting, as we discussed many issues and managed to storyboard our opening seqence and create a written version of it.

Photo Storyboard

First Storyboard

Thursday 12 November 2009

2nd Treatment

Spotlight on me (New Title)

Treatment; The opening sequence starts off with Alison putting on her ballet shoes to cutaway shots of Ricardo putting on his football boots, it then goes to Alison walking through the corridor to the dance studio in the 6th form. It then cuts away to Ricardo walking through the corridor hearing the music and peeking through the window to see Alison dancing.Ricardo is mesmerized by her dance moves and cant help himself so he walks in applauding her.

Alison is shocked as she has a huge crush on Ricardo because Ricardo is captain of the football team that every girl loves, this is he first time he has ever noticed her, he goes on by saying that she is the most beautiful girl he has seen and he loves the way she moves. They continue their conversation and Alison asks him to come to the talent show, Ricardo says yes and plans to ask her out after the show.

Alison is performing with 3 other dancers for the show and they find out Ricardo is planning to ask her out after the show and are envious, but they think that if Alison performs badly he wont ask her out. So they come up with a plan to do a different dance routine to the one they are rehearsing with Alison without Alison knowing.

When it comes to the day of the talent show Ricardo has a front row seat and the girls get ready to perform. They come on stage and get ready to perform the stage goes dark and the spotlights are about to come on luckily for Alison her spotlight is the only on that comes on so the audience dont see the other 3 girls dancing, Once again Ricardo is mesmerized and when the music stops he runs on stage and asks her out.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Feedback (Love & Pain)

We had to sit our groups... in my group was Me, Sharon and Edward. Two of the people in our group had to present, our treatment to the class and Miss Nair by reading it out; when they had finished everyone had to give their opinions on what they thought about it, whilst they were doing this I had to write down their feedback so below is what they thought.

One of our classmate, Rachel said that she thought the treatment went really well with the genre as you can tell straight away what it fits into however the part about when the Alison murders Ricardo because he wouldn’t be with her... was very confusing. She argued that “If you claim you love someone why would you then kill the person. Wouldn’t you do your best to get them back?” in addition to this Iman brought up other points in the treatment that did not make sense like... “How comes Ricardo liked Alison a lot but yet he went out with one of the girls who bullied her?” and “How was it possible that they broke up twice” all of these things cause confusion, themes were not continuous so therefore there “no character motivation!

In teen romance people make mistakes but nothing happens to them... all the drama makes the story heavy so it is needed to be lighter. In teen romance everyone is meant be happy at the end. All the drama makes the opening sequence seem as if it is a scene when opening sequence are meant to be gentle. Overall our class mate thought the treatment was good.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Group treatment

Treatment for ‘Love & Pain’


Alison is a street dancer and is passionate about what she does but secretly has a crush on Ricardo, Ricardo one day watches Alison dance and instantly falls in love they get together but little do the know how much pain their love will cause.

The film starts with an opening sequence of Alison dancing alone in a dance studio at their 6th form, the music is on loud and she thinks no one is around and gives it her all, little does she know that Ricardo is poking his head through the door memorised by her dance moves and cant help himself so he walks in applauding her.

Alison is shocked as she has a huge crush on Ricardo and this is he first time he has ever noticed her, he goes on by saying that she is the most beautiful girl he has seen and he loves the way she moves. They continue to conversate and Alison asks him to come to one of her shows, Ricardo says yes and plans to ask her out after the show.

The girls in school eventually find out about their relationship and are envious, so much so to the point where they start to bully and abuse Alison. Alison blames Ricardo for the pain that she is going thorough and cuts him out of her life without telling him why. One day the bullies take things a step too far and attack Alison to the point where she badly sprains her ankle and is unable to dance. When Ricardo asks Alsion what happened Alison has no chioce but to tell him the truth.Ricardo breaks up with Alison to stop the bullying Alison feels heartbroken as she feels that they should still be together but they cant.

Shortly after this whole ordeal Ricardo starts to date one of the bullies that attacked Alison, when Alison finds out about this she is distrought and ends up writing a suicide note on facebook and shortly after, kills herself.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Genre research

My group's chosen genre is Romance

Target audience:
The target audience for a romance films is mainly women from the age of 15 and upwards. This because women like the feminine side of romantic films, most women can relate to most of the films which are shown and they can be reflected to the characters being portrayed.

codes and conventions:
The narrative of a romance film usually starts with two main protagonists which often do not know each other, during the course of the film these main characters meet and this is often the first sign of the theme romance in a film of this genre. Usually in the story the two protagonists often have many obstacles they have to face such as bad antagonists, towards the end the protagonists end up being with each other but on some occasions they do not and that is either stopped by death, or another character being involved in the romance.

The characters of a romance film should usually follow the code of being alone in the start of a film and then progressing through the film and developing a relationship with a another individual.

In a romance film there is a wide variety of settings, but in opening scenes it should start in a sparse environment and move to a more complex and dense environment on vice versa.

Certain actors are used in the genre romance this is because directors prefer actors that will reflect more to the audience, the directors will also look for actors that have been in previous romance films because the audience will have a better understanding of the film and the audience will interact and be engaged more because they have seen the actors do this before and are more use to them.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Teenage romance

Love don't cost a thing

The film starts off with the production logo which was ‘Warner Brothers’ and the hype hip hop music (non digetic sound) about ‘making someone love them’; it then dissolves into the title sequence where the title is in a funky typography, making it seem as if the titles were changing with the rhythm of the soundtrack. The actual movie starts off with an establishing shot of the neighbourhood then zooms into a long shot of a boy on his bike (the geek). We get a sense of character from the way he is dressed and the way he acts.

The geek works as a pool-cleaner and goes to do his weekly route at one of the neighbour’s house, not knowing that the woman’s house... he was going to, her teenage daughter ( the same age as him) was having a party in the garden; however he still agreed to do it. When he entered the party he was welcomed with half naked teenage girls; we could tell that he had never experienced a party like this because of his facial expression (shocked). It seemed like he knew the teenagers as they spoke as if they did... as if they went to his college or high school. He freezes as he notice a beautiful cool girl (the girl that he has always like but she didn’t notice him enough). One of the boys in the party approaches him and says to him ‘people like you never get a chance with a girl like... (Saying her name), this also gives a feeling that they knew each other somehow. The geek then starts day dreaming about the beauty and falls into the pool and then the non digetic sound changes... changing the atmosphere as everyone stopped partying and started laughing at him; they began saying all types of hurtful things (bullying him with their insults); he was surprised when the beauty started sticking up for him and gets the feeling that he has a chance with her.

Sunday 1 November 2009

The World of My Story


My adopted fairytale

The name of my fairytale is LeaVah; LeeVah is the name of my main character. My story was adopted from Thumbelina as it embodies the main themes and some similar storylines. The title LeaVah comes from the words ‘leave her’ as it represents her being alone. The target audience for my fairytale is aimed at a wide audience of the age 12 and over. The located of this tale is at Barking Abbey School.


LeaVah was a young girl that was different from everyone else; she thought she was alone in the world. She had a talent of dancing; she was one of the best... when people watched her dance it touched them. LeaVah long to be with the boy of her dreams (Brian), he was very popular and good at dancing as he in group. One day LeaVah was in her own world as she was dancing in the studio, thinking of herself dancing with Brain; when he entered and stood there watching her. After awhile of watch her, he starting clapping as he had never seen someone dance as well as her. LeaVah jumped and hide as she was speechless and scared because she had never approached him before. Brain started dancing grabbing onto LeaVah and making her dance to... people started coming to watch as the crown grew. LeaVah became popular from dancing as all the boys wanted to know her and become her boyfriend. However she only had her eyes on one boy only and that was Brian. LeaVah and Brian began seeing each other; certain boys got jealous as LeaVah rejected them and told them that her heart belongs with Brain; this caused Brain to get attacked, LeaVah thought it was her fault and thought it would be better if she avoided him but Brain could not let it happen because the feelings he had for her had grown, the love was to strong; he had to go after.