Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Thursday 5 November 2009

Genre research

My group's chosen genre is Romance

Target audience:
The target audience for a romance films is mainly women from the age of 15 and upwards. This because women like the feminine side of romantic films, most women can relate to most of the films which are shown and they can be reflected to the characters being portrayed.

codes and conventions:
The narrative of a romance film usually starts with two main protagonists which often do not know each other, during the course of the film these main characters meet and this is often the first sign of the theme romance in a film of this genre. Usually in the story the two protagonists often have many obstacles they have to face such as bad antagonists, towards the end the protagonists end up being with each other but on some occasions they do not and that is either stopped by death, or another character being involved in the romance.

The characters of a romance film should usually follow the code of being alone in the start of a film and then progressing through the film and developing a relationship with a another individual.

In a romance film there is a wide variety of settings, but in opening scenes it should start in a sparse environment and move to a more complex and dense environment on vice versa.

Certain actors are used in the genre romance this is because directors prefer actors that will reflect more to the audience, the directors will also look for actors that have been in previous romance films because the audience will have a better understanding of the film and the audience will interact and be engaged more because they have seen the actors do this before and are more use to them.

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