Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Friday 20 November 2009

Re-draft script of opening sequence

Ext. The camera pans the outside of Barking Abbey Leisure Centre

Int. The camera pans inside the leisure centre
(we have camera shots of extras inside the leisure centre) & across the basketball court.
RICARDO looking happy dribbles the basketball and takes a few jump shots

Int. Camera shots of the leisure centre with extras

Int. Dance studio
ALISON picks up dance shoes and stereo and CD
RICARDO picks up duffle bag and walks towards the sports hall door and holds the handle

Int. Dance studio
Alison walks towards the door and opens it and walks through into the corridor doing star-jumps and high-kicks etc

Int. Stairs leading to hallway
RICARDO walks up the stairs and sees Alison dancing
ALISON (looking embarrassed) opens locker and puts stereo and CD inside and shuts locker door

RICARDO opens locker door and puts ball inside
ALISON (looking lovestruck) walks away past RICARDO's locker

RICARDO shuts locker door

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