Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Sunday 29 November 2009

Opening sequence and script FINALISED

The opening sequence starts off with numerous exterior shots of Barking Abbey Leisure centre, we then have a longshot of Ricardo walking into the leisure centre, we have numberous shots of Ricardo approaching the stairs, meanwhile Alison is in the dance studio collecting her things getting ready to leave (we will have numerous cutaways to show this), as Ricardo approches the top of the stairs towards the changing room Alison opens the dance studio door and sees Ricardo for the first time she is instantly love stuck. We then dissolve to the titles.

Ext. The camera pans the outside of Barking Abbey Leisure Centre

Ext. The camera pans around the outside of Barking Abbey Leisure centre

RICARDO walks to the leisure centre entrace walks through the leisure centre


(Walks up stairs)

(Collects things getting ready to leve the dance studio)

(Continues to walk up stairs)

(Fixes hair in mirror)

(Reaches the top of the stairs and walks towards the changing rooms)

(Walks towards the door opens it and sees RICARDO she looks at him lovestruck from the feet upwards)

Dissolves to title sequence

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