Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Sunday 1 November 2009

My adopted fairytale

The name of my fairytale is LeaVah; LeeVah is the name of my main character. My story was adopted from Thumbelina as it embodies the main themes and some similar storylines. The title LeaVah comes from the words ‘leave her’ as it represents her being alone. The target audience for my fairytale is aimed at a wide audience of the age 12 and over. The located of this tale is at Barking Abbey School.


LeaVah was a young girl that was different from everyone else; she thought she was alone in the world. She had a talent of dancing; she was one of the best... when people watched her dance it touched them. LeaVah long to be with the boy of her dreams (Brian), he was very popular and good at dancing as he in group. One day LeaVah was in her own world as she was dancing in the studio, thinking of herself dancing with Brain; when he entered and stood there watching her. After awhile of watch her, he starting clapping as he had never seen someone dance as well as her. LeaVah jumped and hide as she was speechless and scared because she had never approached him before. Brain started dancing grabbing onto LeaVah and making her dance to... people started coming to watch as the crown grew. LeaVah became popular from dancing as all the boys wanted to know her and become her boyfriend. However she only had her eyes on one boy only and that was Brian. LeaVah and Brian began seeing each other; certain boys got jealous as LeaVah rejected them and told them that her heart belongs with Brain; this caused Brain to get attacked, LeaVah thought it was her fault and thought it would be better if she avoided him but Brain could not let it happen because the feelings he had for her had grown, the love was to strong; he had to go after.

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