Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 18 November 2009

First draft of script (opening sequence)

Ext. The camera pans outside the leisure centre, then inside the liesiure centre, basketball court, dance studio then hallway leading to the clasroom.

Int. Leisure centre (classroom)

ALISON sits looking bored in detention, her right hand against her face elbow rested on the table, gradually looking up at the clook, day dreaming and tapping her right foot to the rythme of the clock.

The bell rings

ALISON jumps out of her chair in excitment and starts running out the door into the corridor.

RICARDO and his friends (2 people) are walking through the corridor talking and making jokes from the opposite direction of Alison.

ALISON and RICARDO bump into each other, ALISON drops her books and RICARDO drops his basketball.

(Flustered, her head is down)
Sorry, Sorry oh my God, im so sorry!

Its ok, dont worry.
ALISON speechless when she looks up and realises it's RICARDO

(Grabbing RICARDOS arm)
Hurry up lets go!

(RICARDO picks up her books and gives it to ALISON,forgetting to pick up his ball.)
Heres your stuff.

RICARDO walks off to catch up with his friends.
ALISON (looking lovestuck after ) kicks Ricardos ball.

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