Preliminary Task

AS Opening Sequence

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Group treatment

Treatment for ‘Love & Pain’


Alison is a street dancer and is passionate about what she does but secretly has a crush on Ricardo, Ricardo one day watches Alison dance and instantly falls in love they get together but little do the know how much pain their love will cause.

The film starts with an opening sequence of Alison dancing alone in a dance studio at their 6th form, the music is on loud and she thinks no one is around and gives it her all, little does she know that Ricardo is poking his head through the door memorised by her dance moves and cant help himself so he walks in applauding her.

Alison is shocked as she has a huge crush on Ricardo and this is he first time he has ever noticed her, he goes on by saying that she is the most beautiful girl he has seen and he loves the way she moves. They continue to conversate and Alison asks him to come to one of her shows, Ricardo says yes and plans to ask her out after the show.

The girls in school eventually find out about their relationship and are envious, so much so to the point where they start to bully and abuse Alison. Alison blames Ricardo for the pain that she is going thorough and cuts him out of her life without telling him why. One day the bullies take things a step too far and attack Alison to the point where she badly sprains her ankle and is unable to dance. When Ricardo asks Alsion what happened Alison has no chioce but to tell him the truth.Ricardo breaks up with Alison to stop the bullying Alison feels heartbroken as she feels that they should still be together but they cant.

Shortly after this whole ordeal Ricardo starts to date one of the bullies that attacked Alison, when Alison finds out about this she is distrought and ends up writing a suicide note on facebook and shortly after, kills herself.

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